Aju S Maret - EE1981
  Family Photo
  Mobile 00-96597208332 - Kuwait  
  Landline 91 471 2442319  - Trivandrum  
  email ID


  Present address
NBK HQ. POBox-95.Safat13001. Kuwait
  Permanent address C/o Lal. M. Thomas, Priyadarshini Nagar, Medical College PO, PONGUMMOODU,Trivandrum -  – 695 011
Left Bader Al Mulla Co in 2004 and joined National Bank of kuwait

1982- Joined National Thermal Power Corporation as Executive Trainee (Engineering).1983- Ramagundam Super Thermal Power Project. | I have been to U.K in 1988 to undergo a Three Months training programme on "Power Station Maintenance" .1994- left NTPC, and joined M/S Bader Al Mulla & Bros Co: Kuwait,

(as on 2014)


Molly Sara Thomas (Wife).Works for Hyatt regency Palace Hotel


Ms. Divya (1993) - Daughter


Last update Sept, 2014