Janardhanan S - EE1981
  Family Photo
  Mobile +971 506613691 +91 9886193329
  Landline +971 2 6451157 +91 80 26789089
  email ID


  Present address


  Permanent address  "JALAJA", No. 65, 2nd Cross, Near 18th Main, 2nd Stage, BTM Layout, Bangalore - 560076
  Office Address  Total Abu Al Bukhoosh, P.O. Box 4058, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  Joined Tata Consulting Engineers (TCE) at Bangalore in 1982. Left Bangalore in 1993 and joined Tata Honeywell at Madras. Came to Abu Dhabi in 1996. Initially I was working with an Engineering Contracting Company (Kvaerner) and later with an oil company (ADMA-OPCO) on contract. I will be taking up my new assignment as a commissioning engineer in the same oil company (ADMA-OPCO). It is a short-term job. (as on 2001) 
    Lalitha - wife


Last update Nov 2010