Mahadevan N- EE1981
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  Mobile +91 9945067852  
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  Joined ABB at Bangalore in the year 1981 as a Sales Engineer

Moved to Madras office in 1983 with similar job responsibility.

The attraction was a new responsibility in ABB, responsible for the Sales of the Railway Signaling division which was getting started ( not to mention a three months training in Switzerland at the works of our Railway Signaling collaborator). Of course the "price" I paid was to move to Baroda from Madras. I moved to Baroda in 1986.

In 1992 I was deputed to work for ABB Signal Sweden for a year.

In 1994 I moved to Delhi as Manager Business development. I did not like Delhi with all the pollution and the very high house rents.

In 1996 I moved to Baroda with a higher responsibility as the In charge of the Railway Signaling operations of the company. I am continuing in this post now.

1999 was a very difficult year for me officially with lot of work pressures.

But the second half of 2000 looks much brighter on the work front. I travel frequently. Thanks to my job, I also got the opportunity to move around and see the world.

The company I am now is not ABB but DaimlerChrysler Rail Systems (Adtranz in short). This company is owned by DaimlerChrysler and was formed in 1999 when ABB sold its rail transportation business to DaimlerChrysler.

Out side office, well I tried to start learning morse code to become a Radio Ham but had to leave it midway. I am now trying to restart the learning along with my son. He is now 12 years and is eligible to apply for a Radio Ham license.

I also underwent courses in Reiki and have passed the second degree Reiki. This is a touch healing process.

That is a brief history of 19 long years.

But looking back I realise that time has passed by very fast and not much time is left. I am sure most of you would be feeling the same.

(as on 2001) 

  Parvathy - wife
    Master Anoop (1988) - son


Last update 2010