Mathews P George - EE1981
  Family Photo
  Mobile +9656502384  
  email ID

  Present address


  Permanent address Pallickamannil, "Aiswarya", Piralassery P.O, Chenganoor, Kerala, India -689 122
  Office Address Senior Planning and Productio Engineer, Gulf Cable & Electrical Industries Co.,P.O Box 1196, Safat 13012 , Kuwait
  I was as in Bombay for 2-3 years. Then I was working in Premier cables Angamaly Where I was about to settle. After 7 years when the company closed due to trade unoins.1993 I went to Saudi for 6 months.

After that I came to Kuwait and presently working with Gulf Cables.

    Son (1988)
    Daughter (1993)


Last update 2006