Muralidharan K- EE1981
  Family Photo
  Mobile +91 9400457061  
  Landline +91 471 2357061  
  email ID

  Present address

TC 17/1273-4, VNRA: 53, Vivekananda Nagar, Pangode, Trivandrum - 695 006

  Permanent address TC 17/1273-4, VNRA: 53, Vivekananda Nagar, Pangode, Trivandrum - 695 006
  Office Address  
  1981  - Keltron Controls, Trivandrum 1983  - Keltron Cybernetics, Trivanfrum

1992 - Keltron PCB Division, 1994 - Keltron Communications Division, Trivandrum

1995- Tecnomic Marketing Services Pvt. , Trivandrum

2000- SunTec Business Solutions Trivandrum

2002- Resigned from SunTec - Freelancing

2003- Joined back Tecnomic Marketing Services Pvt. , Trivandrum

2004-Joined with Dexcel Electronics Designs, Bangalore as a consultant

2010 - Voluantary Retirement

(as on 2010)

    Sandhya - wife - Asst. Professor, Dept. of EEE, CET
    Deepthi M.S. (1990) daughter - Student , EEE, Amrita School of Engineering, Vallikkavu

Last update 2010