Samji T V- EE1981
  Family Photo
  Mobile 00 966  508564781  
  Landline +91 471-2540905 (TVM) +91 9446453110 (TVM)
  email ID  
  Present address  
  Permanent address 43, Jyothy Nagar Kesavadasapuram,Pattom PO Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala State-695004 India.
  Office Address  
  1981, joined M/s Killick Nixon, Bombay as Erection Engineer

1982 April got selection in ONGC as AEE(E). Started the job in Assam Oil fields.

1982 to 2000 got three promotions and five transfers.

2001- onwards  working in Bombay Offshore Project at Neelam platform. Superintending Engineer (E), ONGC, Off-shore, Mumbai.

This is a 14 day and 14 day off job.

 (as on 2001)

  wife- Shirley - from Oachira
    Master Donny (1986)
    Ms. Linda(1987)
    Ms. Sarah(1994)


Last update 2006