Sudhakumari V S- EE1981
  Family Photo
  Mobile +91 9448324298  
  email ID

  Present address


  Permanent address Flat no. 401, 'Haritha Apartments' No.112, 11th Cross, 5th Main Malleswaram, Bangalore 560 003
  Office Address  
  1982 - 1990 Keltron / ER & DC,Trivandrum.

1990 till date National Informatics Centre (NIC), Bangalore as Senior Systems Analyst

Presently (as on 2004) Technical Director 

2010 - VRS - Retired.

  Husband- Dr. P. Ajit Kumar, Professor, Dept. of Microbiology & Cell Biology (MCBL), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Vaishnavi (1991)  

Engg. Student, Electronics & Communication, Ramaiah Institute, Bangalore



Last update 2010