Usha Bai - EE1981
  Family Photo

9847147689 (M)

  Landline 0484 - 2577534  
  email ID

  Present address Usha Nair, Nandanam, Club Junction, B.M.C Road.Edappally P.O. Kochi-682024
  Permanent address  
  Office Address Faculty, Electrical Engg Dept,School of Engg, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi –22
  Worked with Controls and Schematics, and L&T for 4 years in Bombay.

Joined Sardar Patel College as Lecturer in Electrical Engg; and during this time did my M. Tech from VJTI.

After 11 years in Sardar Patel College, we took a decision to come back to Kerala.

Joined Cochin University initially in the instrumentation dept and then changed to the Electrical Dept. in 1999

(as on2001)



Last update 2006